Pot or container plants for planting in summer can be found here:
Hazel tree in a soft-walled container
The Corylus colurna can only be found very rarely in Germany's forests.
Even in their original home, which is different from theBalkans Bosnia-Herzegovina and Romania extends over Turkey and the north of Iran to Afghanistan, it has almost completely disappeared due to the extreme overuse..
The tree hazel will become very important in our local forests in the coming years. It will have no problems with the climate changes that can already be recognized or are still to be expected. It makes only minor demands on the location. Thanks to its very strong roots, it has no problems even in the driest locations. In a Romanian population, it forms the dominant tree species on an extremely dry karst site with 80 percent. Even there, considerable dimensions are achieved.
But also wet floodplains with up to three months of flooding are tolerated without problems.
This and the very good growth rates make them a very valuable tree species when it comes to preparing our forests for climate change.
The Turkish nut provides a very valuable wood that is of very high value for furniture construction. In addition, thanks to its resistance to rot, it can be used very well in hydraulic engineering.
Furthermore, wood that is too weak or of inferior quality can be used excellently as firewood thanks to its very high calorific value.
At the moment, the wood of the tree hazel is only rarely traded and then reaches top prices.